Bamboo underwear

What are the advantages of bamboo fiber linen?

Bamboo fiber underwear is light and delicate. Bamboo underwear has thermoregulatory properties. Thanks to this, on cold days we are warm and in hot weather we feel pleasantly cool. It is also breathable and allows the skin to breathe freely. Thanks to these properties, bamboo underwear prevents the growth of bacteria. This is of great importance, especially in the case of bamboo figs for intimate areas. Another important feature of bamboo underwear is its hygroscopicity, i.e. moisture absorption. Bamboo underwear is an ecological product and 100% biodegradable, which is of great importance for the natural environment.

How should bamboo underwear be looked after?

First of all, bamboo underwear should be washed at low temperature (the maximum washing temperature is about 40 degrees). Secondly, if you want to enjoy your bamboo underwear for longer, you shouldn't tumble dry it. Third, chemicals that can damage the delicate fibers of bamboo should not be used. Every day I use a self-made washing liquid based on gray soap and a bit of essential oils (pine oil, lavender oil, etc.)

What are the properties of bamboo fiber?

The use of bamboo fibers for the production of bamboo figs or bamboo bralettes is, above all, a very healthy solution for our body. Our figs are made of natural fiber such as bamboo, they are flexible, antistatic and are recommended for allergy sufferers. In the case of our products, it is of great importance in relation to pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers because their sensitive body is particularly exposed to irritation.

Certainly bamboo underwear is healthy!

Delicate, chemical-free, antibacterial with excellent hygroscopicity which ensures high moisture absorption. Sensitive or allergic skin naturally rests in contact with bamboo fiber. Bamboo fabric owes its popularity largely to products for children. Bamboo fabric does not pick up static and is therefore antistatic. As a result, bamboo underwear eliminates unpleasant odors and leaves a feeling of freshness for a long time.


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